Thursday, August 18, 2011

Life got in the way . . . again

The Sailor Moon film is almost ready for release. Watch the teaser. I am so pleased with how it all turned out: our costumes look super, considering that a lot of the Sailor Scout cosplayers had never made a costume before.

No animals were harmed in the making of this film. Except for Tuxedo Mask.

July was such a busy month: filming Sailor Moon, preparing for the MICA expo, and practising for Bad ROmance, which was broadcast on local television (did you know that it is physically possible to dance in ten centimetre high heels?)

Sadly life is catching up. I have a resit in September, so my costuming time is restricted. I am also working like a slave to try and complete a short comic for an anthology, which will hopefully be published in time for Malta Comic Con in November. I need to make a final push to complete it. Once that and the exam are done, cosplay can begin again.

Unfortunatley this means I won't be able to create a lot of the cosplays on my list for 2011, some due to lack of skill (Alice's red dress-how do I calculate the right amount of striped fabric for the bodice with all those pintucks?), not being able to find the right material (Marianne de Morangias's riding coat. Why is there no red cotton velvet in Malta?), and some due to lack of time (sadly this seems to be the way Mrs Lovett is going). I will probably end up having the same number of costumes as I planned to make, since I made a lot of unplanned costumes for various skits: Team Rocket, Sailor Mars, and Bad Romance Lady Gaga.

I am hoping to pull together an original cosplay for Comic Con, inspired by steampunk fashion. Like many of my costumes, it is made of upcycled materials. The corset I will be making is made from an old fake velvet bag: very pretty but too full of defects to serve me well (holes in the lining, not to mention that the giant grommet were unstable and the suede fringe keep peeling apart), pairing with some sort of taffetta skirt that I found at a charity shop (once I've taken it up and added some lace on the bottom).

Part of the costume is already completed. Using Threadbanger's steampunk tutorial, I refashioned an old school skirt by dying it in tea, drawing gear and cogs designs on it with permanent markers (sepia coloured), and cutting a bateau neck. I found this really pretty elastic with a scalloped edge on a friend's unwanted dress (along with some plastic boning), so that went on too. If I can find the camera I will upload some images, time permitting.

I will be going to London the day after my exam. I am really looking forward to it (hopefully the riots will be well and truly over). Does anyone have any second hand or cosplay shops to recommend? I'll be visiting Camden too, so if anyone has any recommendations as to where I should visit, let me know.

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